Office It Relocation Solutions

Are you planning an office move? Have you considered all the IT issues related to an office move necessary to avoid chaos and ensure post move productivity?data center relocations

  • Plan the design of the new space taking into account the infrastructure required to support your IT. Have your General Contractor plan before submitting the proposal. Because what will cost hundreds before submission of a proposal can end up costing thousands after. We can work with your GC to lower costs and build future prof IT infrastructure
  • Our IT Relocation Services give you peace of mind during the move so that your employees can leave work at the close of business at your old office, arrive at work at the new location, and be fully productive and frustration free on the first day following the move.
  • Choosing an internet service provider shouldn’t be based only on
    price or speed and you should order your internet circuits with a block of multiple static IP addresses few weeks ahead of time.
  • Consider how your telephone system will get dial tone service: standard phone service (POTS), a PRI phone system, or VOIP Internet-based phone circuits. This may be a perfect time to upgrade your telephony system.