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The technology that supports your business either increases your profitability, enables your people to perform tasks productively and improves the experience of clients working with your company… or not.
Therefore, it is critical to the long-term viability and profitability of your organization that you invest wisely in technology. TronixSystem has a 25-year history of successfully helping companies just like yours leverage technology to provide a better experience for clients.
Please consider information contained in this section to further explore how we can help you meet your technology needs cost-effectively and with the least amount of stress on your business. We are offering following services

- Business Technology Consulting
- Chief Information Officer
- Implementation Project Management
- Technology Assessment
- Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery
- Training

Ever changing climate

hurricane sandy

Flooding and power outages caused by Hurricane Sandy have forced several New York data centers to switch to generator power. But those generators are quickly running out of fuel, so data center companies are telling their customers to shut down their servers and move workloads elsewhere.

One of the worst situations is at 75 Broad Street in Manhattan, where both Internap and Peer1 Hosting are shutting down operations "after basement-level flooding disabled critical diesel fuel pumps," Data Center Knowledge reports. 75 Broad Street is part of the "Zone A" portion of the city that is under emergency evacuation orders, as is another data center operated by Datagram at 33 Whitehall Street. The Datagram outage led to downtime for popular websites Gawker, Huffington Post, and BuzzFeed.

Peer1's official network status page reported last night that it was running on emergency generator power. This morning, the company said "we have an estimate of 4 hours for the fuel left on our generators. Our techs and facility are continuously working to get emergency fuel delivery on time and was looking to set-up a temporary tank and pump since the basement is still flooded. In the event of not receiving the fuel on time, worst case scenario is we will have to gracefully shutdown the facility."

network nyc sandy

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